Sustainable New Homes Street Scene

Finding a sustainable new home

For many, the excitement of buying a new build home can be overwhelming. From reserving your plot, to build stage updates and selecting your kitchen and bathroom options. But when you are buying your new build home, it’s always good to consider what sustainable features the UK developer is offering. We’ve put together a simple guide to what to look for to help you choose your dream sustainable new home.

Sustainable Construction

The first consideration for your sustainable new home is the type of construction. It’s often good to check with the developer whether your new home will be timber frame, steel frame or traditional construction. Developers are usually really good at sourcing responsibly through the construction stages, and you can often ask how the materials have been sourced. Many work towards ISO14001 which is the world’s most popular standard for environmental management. For timber frame homes, most timber is responsibly sourced, FSC or PEFC timber.

Energy Efficiency

The Future Homes Standard, a government initiative, has set out for new homes to be Zero Carbon ready from 2025. Many developers have already started to include energy efficient features to their homes, so it’s good to check whether you have any of these included when you reserve:


  • Photovoltaic (PV) Panels, also known as solar panels is a greener way to power your home.
  • Efficient Insulation – to keep heat in and the cold out.
  • PVC Windows – highly efficient and noise reducing.
  • Waste Water Heat Recovery Systems.
  • Electric Vehicle Car Charger (EVCP) – In readiness for electric car ownership, unless you already have one.


Speak with a Sales Advisor at your chosen development who will be more than happy to run through energy efficient features a plot may have. This will help you to reduce energy bills overall and run your home more sustainably into the future.


Often when a developer builds a collection of new homes, they will also provide nature friendly areas which will help to support local biodiversity, and allow residents to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. When you have a development in mind, it’s good to scan the site plan and (if applicable) nature friendly plans to see what is planned to be provided once construction finishes. These can include:


  • Wildflower Meadows – to attract nature and wildlife.
  • Open Spaces – available for the local community to enjoy.
  • Play Areas
  • Allotments – for the community to enjoy.
  • Ponds – to attract local wildlife.
  • Hedgehog Highways – to allow safe passage of the local hedgehog population across the development.


Check with a Sales Advisor at your chosen development on the nature friendly plans. They are great ways for you to get out and enjoy nature on your doorstep, boost your mood, and allow you to engage with your local community.

Greenspace at Wimborne

Sustainable Travel

Developments are usually located in popular areas close to villages an towns, and connected by a range of walking and cycling trails. Walking and cycling as a way to travel has been proven to help fight certain diseases and boost your mood, supporting your mental health. Check online for local National Cycling Routes (NCR) and walking trails.

Often a developer will showcase local routes from the development to help to encourage a healthier lifestyle choice.